Managing your community blog
Manage settings such as name, display, and commenting for the community blog. You can also add files and links to mak the blog more useful, or hide the blog altogether if it's no longer relevant.
Updating basic blog information
From the navigation bar, click Communities and select the community that contains the blog you want to manage.- To edit basic information about the blog:
- Click Community Actions and select Edit Community.
- Click the Blog tab, then make your changes:
- Edit any of the basic information about the blog, such as its name, description, tags, and time zone.
- Change whether all community members have author, draft, or viewer membership. For more information on blog roles, see Assigning app roles for community members.
- Specify whether comments that are added to the blog are moderated. Moderated comments are saved into a draft state until you approve them.
- Click Save.
Editing blog settings
- From the community menu, click Blog.
- Click Blog Actions and then select Manage Blog from the list.
- Edit one or more of the following settings:

Adding links and files
- From the community menu, click Blog.
- Click Blog Actions and select Manage
Blog from the list. Then select any of the following options in the side
- Links to add and delete links.
- File Uploads to upload and delete links, as well as organize them in a directory.