As the "seasons of a new beginning” has arrived, there is a buzz on online market portals with lots of advertisements and sales. Our emails and messages are filled with information about various new launches of products and deal with already existing ones. It is indeed a time for festivity putting a strain on our pocket.
The world thrift day is a reminder to our purses that we must be wiser to preserve for rainy days. World Thrift Day is commemorated every year on 31st October worldwide and on 30th October in India to encourage the savings and financial security of individuals and nations as a whole.
For me, this C+ Pandemic year has delivered different meaning to happiness and left me wondering about a new theory of spiritual materialism.
Spiritual materialism is the belief that a certain temporary state of mind is a refuge from suffering. An example would be using meditation practices to create a peaceful state of mind or using drugs or alcohol to remain in a numbed out or a euphoric state or temporary feel-good state by shopping or gaining some material.
To avoid such spiritual materialism and becoming wise in my pocket, I am swearing to abide by the following set of rules. Hope this shall help you too.
1. Avoid emotional shopping – Be it because of some emotional advertisement or because of the reaction of a recent purchase by a neighbor, I am not getting my purchase driven out of such trivial emotion.
2.Priorities- I comprehend that this boundary-less unlimited option of international marketing is infinite but I choose to prioritize. And judiciously decide my purchase.
3.Recycle- This year my main showcase for the hall is recycled old non-functional watch into a creative photo frame. Articulating my creativity shall not only bring out a masterpiece (finger crossed) but helps in de-stressing and makes me atmanirbhar.
4.Sticking to Budget- I have assigned a quantity and budget to be spent on stuff. Be it the number of dishes to be cooked…. to the amount to be spent on the purchase of clothes…. to decorate. I am even planning to budget-ize on the purchase of crackers!! This hopefully keeps the pocket-burn in a safe zone.
5. Being happy- This Diwali is going to be away-from-Family-wali-Diwali. But being happy is a state of mind. So, this time more video calling and long chatting with my loved ones is the goal. If the mind is happy, its emotional quotient is high. Internal satisfaction leads to lesser drifting of mind for outer excuses to search for happiness.
Being Internally Content is my self- slogan on this thrift day.