While working on my next book review, a thought struck and remained stick in my head till midnight. And I just couldn't resist to share on my blog.
Sometimes our egos make us think and act as if we are immortals. Few of us show as if all others are beneath them and they are above all. But what we forget is, there is some natural power above all who is viewing all our intentions, actions and continuously making a checklist.
One of the powerful natural tool is Law of Karma.
The root of the word Karma comes from the Sanskrit word kri: कृ. It means “to do” or “to act”.
12 Laws of Karma
Researching on topic led me to 12 Laws of Karma. They are not laws but rather more like lessons.
Karma can be compared to Newton’s law of cause and effect. These laws are constituents or links in the circular chain life. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
Karma is a belief that whatever we do will come back to us, either in this life or the next. It is embraced by followers of Buddhism, Hinduism and others around the world. For some, this is not only deeds, but thoughts and words as well.
- The Great Law- Whatever we put into the universe will come back to us.
- The Law of Creation- Life does not happen by itself, we have to make it happen.
- The Law of Humility- We must accept something before we can change it.
- The Law of Growth- By changing ourselves, we change our lives.
- The Law of Responsibility- We are responsible for what happens in our lives.
- The Law of Connection- The past, the present, and the future are all connected.
- The Law of Focus- We cannot think of two different things at the same time.
- The Law of Giving and Hospitality- Our behavior should match our thoughts and actions.
- The Law of Here and Now- We cannot be present if we are looking backward.
- The Law of Change- History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path.
- The Law of Patience and Reward- The most valuable rewards require persistence.
- The Law of Significance and Inspiration- Rewards are a result of the effort and energy we put into it.
Karmic justice is an opportunity for us to learn a lesson (called experience) and make the necessary changes to break the negative cycle.
Changing our karma is a gradual process and what we do today will definitely change our future lives…. in tune of the kind of karma we do today.
It is a universal truth (whether you believe in it or not) that a lot of the suffering in this word is a direct result of inaction.Karma teaches us to act. To do. We need to start thinking, acting, and doing good.
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