DISHA Manual
Receipt of Indent
- First all sanction related jobs are to be done. Once, Indent is complete in all respects, the same should be sent to MM with approval of Head of the Department. Here a doubt arises why should one get approval of HoD when Sanctioning Authority has already granted approval. The reason is that Indent contains many things other than approval of Sanctioning Authority. So some senior person should decide whether it is complete in all respect and then should send to MM.
- The Indent should contain following things:
- PR duly released.
- Proposal Vendor List
- Proposed Price Proforma
- Proposed Technical BEC (The BEC should have been prepared taking into account standard BEC available on MM website.)
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- n an indent NOA should be prepared and sent through Correspondence Management System.
Correspondence Management System
- NOA should be prepared and sent through Correspondence Management System.
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