1. Enter T-Code as ZHR_HIRING_CRE.
2. Choose Active employee and select 'New Hiring'.
3. Enter Personnel area in Joining location, Joining date, Joining level, Select 'Business Growth' as Reason for hiring, Enter transferee position in Joining position, Select OFDT in Duty type, Select the concerned Establishment Head, PCS head and select continue.
4. Enter First name, last name as per 10th std. certificate, date of birth, place of birth, religion as per attestation form, select form of address for employee, select marital status as per marriage declaration, no. of children (if any), marriage date (if married) and select continue.
5. Enter family member details of the employee by choosing relation in "Select Subtype" and enter First name, last name, date of birth of the concerned family members, choose medical dependency, lfa dependency as 'No' during hiring process and select "Save member". After entering all the concerned family members details, select "Finish family members Entry".
6. Enter Hometown address, Permanent address and Local address as per details in Attestation form.
7. Enter Nominee details of CPF, PRBS, CSSS, Gratuity as per nominations declared by the employee.
8. Enter previous employer details (if any previous work experience)
9. Enter other details like joining level, discipline, sub-discipline and ensure designation is rightly chosen
10. Enter education details as per the marksheets and certificates submitted by the employee
11. Tick all the fields in medical details and submit for approval of I/c HR-ER through T-Code: ZHR_HIRING_APP.