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Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita
Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita
8 Posts

Pinned topic Updation of MoS Promotions

‏2024-01-30T06:22:01Z |

1. After receiving manual joining report submitted by the concerned employee, verify MOS declaration submission through T-Code: ZHR_MOS_DCLR_REP

2. If MOS declaration is submitted by the concerned employee against the promotion year mentioned in the promotion order, then execute "As per MRPR for Staff" action through PA40 to change the level of the employee, as per the promotion order and save the record. Ensure that the updated level is maintained in all future records in IT-1 from the date of promotion. In order to correct level in future records (if any), execute Retro org correction w.e.f. 'Date of future record in IT-1' and then save.

3. Execute "Promotion" action through PA40 w.e.f. date of promotion mentioned in the Promotion order.

4. Execute "Joining on Promotion" action through PA40 w.e.f. date of submission of joining report by the concerned employee.

5. Consequently, I/c ESTT. is required to update designation as per the Promotion order in IT-9930.

6. Basic pay details are required to be updated in IT-8 and the records to be unlocked by I/c HR-ER in SAP.

Updated 2024-01-30T07:03:13Z at 2024-01-30T07:03:13Z by Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita