1. Forms to be received for addition of dependent family member:
- Spouse- Marriage declaration along with Marriage registration certificate, Copy of Spouse Aadhar card (along with D.O.B or any other D.O.B Proof), Joint declaration with letter from the concerned employer stating that he/she is not availing medical facility with his/her employer (only is spouse is employed).
- Parents- Application for medical dependency of parents, declaration for medical dependency of parents along with Income certificate, copy of Pension order and medical facilities surrender certificate (if parent(s) are pensioner(s)), copy of Aadhar card (along with D.O.B or any other D.O.B Proof), declaration from sibling(s) (if sibling(s) is/are employed then declaration from employer stating that they are not availing medical facility for their parents; self-declaration from them if sibling(s) is/are unemployed)
- Child-Addition or deletion of dependents for medical benefit along with copy of birth certificate of child
- Medical identity card form along with photo of dependent family member
2. Enter the details of dependent family member in IT-21 and the record to be unlocked by I/c ESTT (for spouse and child) and by I/c HR-ER (for parents)
3. Create medical card for dependent family member in IT-9919 after the details are updated and unlocked in IT-21 with start date as Date of marriage for spouse, Date of approval of medical dependency by I/c HR-ER for Parents and Date of Birth for Child.