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Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita
Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita
8 Posts

Pinned topic Relieving on transfer

‏2024-02-22T06:45:27Z |

1. After receiving application for relieving on transfer from the employee, execute release on transfer action through PA40 with start date as '1 day after the last working day mentioned by the employee in the application'.

2. Change the personnel area as per the transfer order and save.

4. Change the Person admin and pay admin as 'YY or ZZ' and position as the corresponding transferee position in the next screen and save the record. May refer attached excel sheet for the list of transferee positions. Click on 'Yes' for updating the position held by the employee, as vacant.

5. Issue relieving on transfer order through Print Office Order in PA30 and select release on transfer (Corp. Interest or own Interest-as per remarks in IT-9131) in the layout options.


Updated 2024-04-29T04:59:01Z at 2024-04-29T04:59:01Z by Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita