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Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita
Kancharlavenkata Sri Harshita
8 Posts

Pinned topic Updating/Checking Leave balance

‏2024-02-22T06:40:59Z |

1. In case of any leave discrepancy reported by the employee, then calculate the leave balance as on date, by taking EL (IT-2013/14) and HPL (IT-2013/15) credit maintained in IT-2013 records dated 01.01.2004. Also, deduct leave encashment and leaves availed by the employee. Add ODL if any and calculate leave balance by giving credit of 15 days of EL and 10 days of HPL every half year.

2. Leave balance as on particular date can be checked using ZBAL and leave balance as on date can be checked using PT50.

3. Execute ZPT60 till date, in case of any leave discrepancy observed to correct the leave balance.

4. In case of any leave mismatch between ZBAL and PT50, check for leave cancellation records in IT-2001 and get them deleted. If the issue persists, contact ICE-HR Team (