What is Industrial Internet Of Things (IIOT)?
It is 3:0gies but also increasing intelligence, allowing assets on the edge to interpret and filter their own data into information, and then expose it via standard formats documented as web APIs.
Indeed, to fully realize the benefits IoT has to offer, OT assets will need to be designed with web technologies built directly into them, such as HTTP for interaction, SSL/ TLS encryption and authentication for data security, and JSON for data format. This approach is available today and is called RESTful architecture.
Getting started with the IoT today
If you’re excited about the possibilities the IoT offers for your application—or if you just want to be prepared for the future—here are some ideas to get started now. Start small The Internet of Things is a big concept with lots of moving parts. Developing a strategy to begin implementing IoT in your business doesn’t have to be complicated. Start small and experiment. The IoT is a concept, an idea, not a hard-and-fast set of rules. It’s a method of looking at disparate systems and asking ourselves, what if those two machines could talk to each other? What could we learn if we could quickly pull any data we wanted and look for correlations between datasets? Over time, getting different devices to communicate with each other will become easier and easier. Educate A good place to start is to learn about new technologies that are involved with the IoT. If you’re coming from the process control and industrial automation side of the OT/IT convergence, it’s a good idea to bone up on your basic networking skills.
• Learn how Ethernet switches and routers move data across the internet.
• Know what an IP address is and understand the potential need for IPv6.
• Get an overview of various web technologies and programming languages.
You certainly don’t have to be a networking expert. But a general familiarity with these technologies will only make your life easier as the OT/IT convergence picks up momentum. Be aware that important new skills will be required in your organization. Networking is one of those; other key skills are in programming languages and architectures (such as RESTful), and definitely in network security.
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