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Root Cause Analysis of Rig Equipment
From archive:
March 2020

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Air Pressure drop during Draworks operation. E 2009Problem: Air pressure drop during Drawworks operation.Frequent Air pressure drop obseved during pull out of the Drill pipes observed on 08.03.2020. Cheked all the airline piping from Tank for any leakages.No air leakage found. Changed the Air compressor to Compressor no.1. No Pressure fluctuations were observed.Continued the Pull out. Compressor No.2 was checked for any malfunctioning of valves by FMP-Specialist group. Air intake unlaoding valve actuator is not working. Broken spring was replaced, Tested the compressor, found ok. What went well: 1) Availability of Actuator spring & other spares. 2) Specialist group specifically targeted the comprssor problems. was quick at arriving the solution. This article may be helpful while solving various Drill Rig Eqpt problems.
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