Enterprise e-mail system of ONGC (Lotus Notes)
The e-mail system of ONGC based on IBM lotus notes platform has been recently upgraded to latest version of lotus Notes 8.5.3 with several powerful collaboration features such as messaging, calendaring, scheduling, Instant messaging (IM), Desktop Conferencing and Social Networking etc .
Key features:
1. The upgraded e-mail system is designed to provide High availability/ Redundancy with Servers in HA mode distributed at Delhi & Mumbai with fail proof routing of mails and with Disaster Recovery (DR) facility.
2. E-mail facility has been provided to all the employees with 30,000 user licenses and mail system can be accessed from anywhere from office (through Notes client & Webmail) as well as outside office (through Webmail).
3. Enhanced Storage: System storage has been augmented with State of the art high performance Unified storage (SAN/NAS) to provide almost unlimited storage to all users
4. Attachment size for outgoing as well as incoming mails has been enhanced to 25 MB
5. Latest ultrafast LTO5 based Robotic Tape library for back up of user mail data and Archiving and Retention facility for preserving mails sent/received by users for legal compliance.
6. Mobile Mail Access facility has been provided to user’s from their smart mobile phones through “http://mobilemail.ongc.co.in” using “Lotus Traveller client” installed on their mobiles. This Lotus traveller facility is akin to the popular “Black Berry service” and is supported on all latest mobile platforms such as Apple (iPhone and iPod), all Android phones, and Microsoft Windows Mobile and Nokia Symbian devices.
7. LotusSame Time facility provides Instant messaging (IM) with text, audio & video chat, file sharing and Web conferencing. Users can know the online presence of the people whom they have to contact and collaborate in real time through text chat or audio call or video conferencing and can also share files & documents. Through the Multi party meeting facility one can Share their desktop presentations and discuss interactively with other participants enhancing their productivity several folds and resulting in savings in time to travel and travel expenditure to ONGC.
8. Unified Communication: Lotus Sametime facility has been integrated with Polycom Videoconferencing MCU, facilitating user to join any on-going Video Conferencing from the convenience of their Desktop. This system is being further integraded with VOIP based EPABX s paving the way for total Unified communication in ONGC.
9. IBM Connections through “ http://myspace.ongc.co.in” provides latest Social Networking features such as Micro blogging (message board), Files , Profiles, Activities Blogs, Discussion forums Wikis, Communities etc. Using these facility users can network with their peers and collaboratively share various documents and work. Users can also locate people with expertise in specific work areas with in ONGC and interact on any problem area.
10. SMS integration: With in-house efforts, under this platform “ http://lotussms.ongc.co.in” , a facility has been created for ONGC users to send short DPRs and other work related messages through SMS. This feature is being used in Mumbai offshore to send short DPRs to base through SMS.